ABOUT alice

When was the last time you had one of those ‘I want to remember this forever’ moments? 

When I hear the soft pad of little feet sneaking into bed with us in the morning, when a small body snuggles up with me, that’s when I feel that most. 

I know the time will come when my ‘babies’ no longer need me and with my last child at kindy, I feel this more than ever. 

I know what it means to want to remember your family just as they are now. We all know family life can be chaotic but it’s the glimmers in the everyday that I want to preserve for you. 

A young family I photographed recently said they didn’t think their toddlers would notice the new family portraits on the wall…and guess what!?

They sure DID!

They went running out of the house to tell their little brother to come and look at the photos! And then recounted the afternoon they spent splashing in the water, being tickled by mum and dad and how it was the best day of their life (I swear this is not a direct quote from Bluey ;). 

I love how our whole world can be captured in a single image and how joyful that makes us feel. It’s my whole why!

Let me create something with you. I would love to hear from you.

A woman sits on a chair looking at the camera smiling. She wears a warm brown structured t-shirt and white linen pants. She casually rests both arms on her legs as she holds a camera.