Preserving your family photos in a fine art album

by | May 9, 2023

One of my most treasured posessions is my grandmother’s photo album.

The photos are worn at the edges and yellowed, the years unkind to its fragile paper.

But it’s filled with many of her memories and tells of a life before I existed.

A fine art album lays open with an image of a boy wearing overalls, hands in his pockets, standing on a log. The blue sky and clouds visible behind him.

I’m slowly scanning all the portraits, giving these dated images a new lease of life.

My plan is to further preserve them in a fine art album, the very same one I offer my families.

They’re made with such quality that they last more than most lifetimes.


How many products today are made to live 75+ years?

Even products we spend thousands of dollars on don’t last that long. We’re living in an age of throw out and repeat.

But I want something I can hold onto, one where I can hold its thick pages and gently flip through my family history.

YouTube video
A young boy pokes his head out from between his parents with a massive smile on his face.

There are so many portraits to choose from in your gallery that sometimes it can be hard to decide which ones to frame.

A fine art album makes your portraits more accessible for the whole family, placed in the centre of your home for that quiet moment to reminisce.

A true heirloom that you can pass down to your children and your grandchildren.

I also think it’s not until you’ve seen your portraits presented in this way, that it really hits you how powerful they can be. 

The joy they make you feel just from seeing those smiling faces looking back at you, the way your hand reaches out to gently stroke his hair or the look of sheer delight from your toddler being tossed in the air. 

This is what captivates me and brings families to happy tears. 

A young boy sits on a low hanging black branch. A green field behind him.