When should I book newborn photos?

by | Jun 20, 2023

Not sure when you should book in your newborn photos?

Between packing your hospital bag, dealing with all the joys of being pregnant and then dealing with sleep deprivation once baby arrives, it can feel like one more thing on the to-do-list.

But let me take all of the guess work and decision making out and get down to what you need to know if you’re expecting a baby.

A toddler sits on her mother's lap, smiling at the camera. Her father reaches out to her. Both parents are smiling. They're sitting on a grassy hill.

What age are we talking?

When we talk about newborns, we’re generally referring to babies who are up to four weeks old. During this time, they still have those adorable features and qualities that make them so incredibly precious.

Think of their tiny fingers and toes, delicate skin, and those gorgeous expressions that make everyone in the room swoon.

Newborns are particuarly sleepy in the first 10 days, so if your preference is truely to capture the early days, then this window of time is it.

A father holds his newborn baby against his chest. The baby is wrapped snuggly in a cream blanket and has her hand resting under her chin.

A newborn session at the hospital

There are also different types of newborn portraits to consider. One popular option is a session held at the hospital in the hours or days after birth.

It’s an incredible opportunity to capture the first interactions between your baby and the rest of the family. The love, joy, and raw emotions that fill the room during those moments make for truly meaningful photographs.

It can also be a wonderful way to have a few quiet moments captured with baby if there are toddlers at home.

And BONUS – this session can be added onto your newborn home session at no additional cost if you choose to skip the maternity shoot.

A mother has a tube connected to her hand, as she lies back in a hospital bed, cradling her newborn as they breastfeed.
A newborn baby is wrapped in a floral muslin, as they lie in their clear bassinet in hospital.
A toddler being held by her mother. They are surrounded by blue sky. The camera is angled up so you cannot see any ground.
A toddler is held by her mother and leans against her father. Sun shines behind them.

A session at home

Newborn sessions at home create a relaxed and intimate atmosphere, where the entire family can get involved.

Siblings, parents, and even your furry friends can join in on the fun, creating a beautiful representation of your family dynamic during this special time.

This is also a beautiful location to capture skin-on-skin portraits, to have a shower or bath with your newborn and toddlers, and to capture your feeding journey however that looks for you.


A family of three stands in front of a large tree. They hold their toddler in the middle.
A family of three snuggles on a grassy knoll.
A mother leans down and touches her forehead to her toddler's.

Capturing your bond with skin-on-skin

Nothing captures the sacred bond you share with your newborn like portraits of skin-on-skin time with your baby. 

These portraits emphasise the tender connection and create visually striking images that portray love and protection.

Portrait sessions aren’t just about the photos – I create a space where you feel comfortable to really enjoy this time with your newest little love, while I capture it to be cherished forever.

A toddler laughs at her father.

When should I schedule my newborn session?

While it’s ideal to plan it within the first few weeks of your baby’s life, there isn’t a strict cut-off age. It depends on what stage you’d love captured. They’ll never be as small as they are when they’re first born and parents are often shocked at just how quickly they grow!

If you love the sleepy newborn portraits, your session is best held in the first two weeks but if you’d like to wait until baby is smiling, it can be up to four months.

I suggest booking your newborn session in when you’re about 20 weeks pregnant to avoid disapointment, as I often book out months in advance. It’s also one less thing to worry about on a tired brain once baby is born.

A toddler's leg hangs down as her mother holds her.
A newborn baby lays asleep on a white change mat. The baby has his fist clenched and up near his face as he sleeps.
A newborn is held by her mother. Shadow surrounds them but droplets of light fall on them.

Your baby’s story told from the beginning

I have lost track of the amount of times my kids have asked to see photos of when they were first born.

Whether you choose to have your newborn session at hospital, at home or with skin-on-skin artfully captured, you’ll have portraits to hold onto forever.

And the story of your child’s life just beginning, can be passed down to them, so they can one day share it with their own children.

A newborn baby hold its mothers hand as it lies in a bath.

I book out months in advance, so if you’d like to schedule a maternity or newborn session in, please get in touch via my contact page.